Friends from Moscow
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Welcome to Socialism Realised

This learning environment enables you to find and analyse multimedia content about the communist regimes in Europe. Using the Czechoslovak example, we describe the specifics of life in the Eastern bloc. The material here attempts to bring the experiences, thoughts, feelings and problems of people who lived during this era to life. Our aim is to reproduce the complexities and dilemmas of life under communism.

period movie feature film archival documents Content 1950sCollectivisation of Agriculture 1950sShow Trials 1968Invasion 1968Prague Spring NormalizationDissidents NormalizationEveryday Life 1989Regime Collapse Era Memory Oppression Personal Story Ideology Perspective
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Our catalogue is comprised of film clips, photos, and texts of various kinds (official documents, personal letters, etc.). As you can see above, the content is organized according to two principles—era and perspectivea—and you can access any item through either of these categories. For example, you can find material about a specific period using the “era” filter, and then choose the angle through which you want to view the period using the “perspective” filter. You will find four different perspectives and seven eras, moving from 1950 to 1989.

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Other ways to use this website


Experts and teachers have prepared their own choices out of the material on the portal. You can discover various resources along with them on Socialism Realised through the lens of individual themes.

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Pedagogical Approach

An explanation of how we chose the clips for Socialiam Realised, what pedagogical principles we use, and what our educational goals are. This section is meant as inspiration for teachers and other users.

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