Lesson Plan: Ideology and Society, Ideology in the Body of Society

August 6, 2018

Time Frame: 45 minutes

Topic: communist ideology, state ideology and its expressions in society

Competences :

Learning Aims:

Students will be able to:


Structure of the Lesson:

I. Introductory activity:

Students will be divided into groups. Each group will get one short text (a definition of ideology). Students will be instructed to read the texts and figure out what the texts are defining. Along with the definitions, they will be provided with three labels: ideology, political system and economic theory, which will help them to navigate their thinking and let them match the definitions to the labels.

Definition Examples of Ideology :

1. A systemic and wholesale political doctrine that serves as the reason for political acts

2. A field of study focused on ideas to enlighten and to improve public thinking

3. The knowledge base, ideas, theories, etc., in which a social group (class) expresses, acknowledges and justifies its economic and social statuses and interests

4. An elaborated knowledge base, attitudes, values and ideas with apologetic or offensive functions, based on the interests of a certain political, commercial, view-based, or otherwise connected groups. This is expressed in political and social praxis, e.g. in the form of philosophy, law, ethics, and in general attempts to formulate a general definition of society and individual through its subjectivity


Expected group discussion.

After finding out that it is ideology, there needs to be a short reflection about how students comprehended the definition examples.

(The teacher should be aware of the fact that he/she will have to explicitly explain what ideology is as such, once again. The important thing is that students have the same, proper understanding of what the category of ideology represents)


II. Following activity:

Students are still divided into groups. Each group will get Article 4 of the 1960s Czechoslovak constitution, which establishes the main role of the communist ideology over society and will be instructed to read it and to try to name the ideology that is represented in this text. The teacher will provide four cards with the following ideologies: anarchism, communism, democracy, and fascism and let them choose which one the Article 4 text represents.



III. Activities with sources:

Students remain in their groups. Each group will get the same set of three visual sources. The photographs/pictures will be analyzed sequentially, one by one. Students will receive a specific set of questions to be answered for each photograph/picture. They will be instructed to start with a description of what they see in the photograph and then go beyond and more in depth.

The first visual sources are two maps, one with a street named after Lenin and a present map of that area.

Questions related to maps:

The second visual source is a photograph showing a statue of Stalin:

Students will now be taken out of their groups, and each one of them will get (or will be presented with) a photograph of statue of Stalin in a square.

Questions related to second picture:


Third photo shows parade held on May the 1st.

Students will be divided into groups again and presented with a photograph of a 1st of May parade.

Related questions:


IV. Conclusion:

Based on the activities with the photographs, the teacher will start a discussion around the following question:


Target Groups (based on state Slovak Educational Programme Frame (RVP)): 9th grade of elementary schools and 3rd and 4th grades of high schools

Educational Area: Man and Society

Methods used:


Flow of the Lesson plan: a brief review